Traditional herring – a dish, gold, means of payment?
Traditional herring – a dish, gold, means of payment?
Traditional herring as a high-quality product has revolutionized Europe. He also solved many nutritional problems, not only during epidemics or wars. The first mentions can be found in the chronicles of Gallus Anonymus, but this fish has been most popular since 1350. Then a Dutch fisherman with the initials H.K. found a way to store herring. What other stories does traditional herring hide?
Traditional herring and its origins
A new way of storing herring discovered by H.K. revolutionized the approach to nutrition throughout Europe. He discovered that herrings in a barrel with brine can be stored for a very long time and they will still remain meaty and tasty. There are several types of herring. Each of them depends on the size of the fish and the method of processing it was subjected to. Matias are young, fat herring before spawning. Uliki are young herrings prepared in strong brine. Piklings are whole smoked herrings, and kipery are halved and cold-smoked herrings.

What was the traditional herring?
Amsterdam was built on herrings
Legend has it that today’s Amsterdam is due to herrings. Apparently the entire city is built on herring bones. Its inhabitants were said to be able to transform the intense smell of salted herrings into gold.
Europe’s most valuable raw material
Immediately after the premiere of herring in a barrel, it turned out that all logistical problems could be solved with the right amount of this raw material. Deep sea expeditions? Wars? The period of fasting that lasted 200 days in medieval Europe? The answer to these and many other questions was: herring.
Means of payment
It sounds pretty ridiculous, but many historical records mention people replacing currency with herring. Instead of calculating how much you can gain from a given transaction and allocating this income to purchase barrels of herrings – you can eliminate the unnecessary intermediary and count everything in herrings.
For the peasant and the king
Mainly due to Christianity dominating in Europe and the fact that herring could be eaten even during fasting. This particular fish was served on the plates of kings and peasants all over the old continent. Access to this raw material for all social classes was possible due to its very low price.

Polish traditions and more
Polish historical nomenclature
Herring is popular in Denmark, Norway, Finland, France, Russia, and of course in our country. In pre-war Poland, barreled herring was called “szmalcówka”. Skinny herrings after spawning were called ties.
Follow the auctions
To this day, every year in the Netherlands the opening of the herring fishing season is celebrated. Traditionally, an auction is held for barrels of freshly caught herring. In 2019, the final price was EUR 95,500.
The herring war
On February 12, 1492, the Franco-Scottish army attacked an English convoy of food (read: herrings) near Orleans. At the same time, it ended the romantic, but already worn-out theme of fighting wars over women. Ultimately, the English won the battle.
Traditional herring in restaurants
In Poland, before 1939, restaurants served herring before dinner to stimulate appetite. Usually with a glass of cold vodka. Herring was used to prepare simple but exquisite sandwiches, and everything was based on its excellent quality. The popularity of herring – a cheap but very healthy fish – did not decrease after the war